Palm oil, good or bad?

admin: Is palm oil good or bad? The authors of this article take a look at issues surrounding palm oil and encourage personal care industry to source certified sustainable palm oil. The reputation of palm oil is pretty bad. Although only a small part of global...

ExcelVite Obtains MSPO SCCS Certification

ExcelVite is proud to have obtained the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil Supply Chain Certification Standard (MSPO SCCS) certification on 14 June 2019 after an extensive audit by SIRIM (Standard and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia). Implementation of MSPO SCCS...


世界领先的棕榈植物营养素和棕榈甲酯生产商益效维(ExcelVite)与世界自然基金会(WWF)马来西亚分部签署了谅解备忘录,开启了战略合作伙伴关系和对可持续棕榈油承诺的新篇章。 这份谅解备忘录(MOU)是由益效维首席执行官梁永鸿先生和马来西亚WWF 环境保护总监亨利陈博士在世界自然基金会办公室举行(马来西亚雪兰莪州八打灵再也)一同签署。 该合作涵盖了几项主要与可持续棕榈油生产承诺相关的目标。其中目的是协助益效维公司周边的油棕小园主在年底前获得马来西亚可持续棕榈油(MSPO)认证。...